Heads of TA tend to fly solo (in their rocket ships) and solve complex strategic problems by themselves (at 17,500 miles an hour) often with no internal expert touchpoint to ideate with. Or, if lucky there's a TA leadership team. ExecTASocial brings Heads of TA together, building a VP of TA strategy blue print across pillars of ownership, to learn, to solution and to innovate.
Sound like you? Apply to join below.
UK - London, Manchester, Leeds.
Ireland - Dublin, Belfast.
Sweden - Stockholm, Gothenburg.
Netherlands - Amsterdam
Japan - Tokyo
Australia - Sydney, Melbourne
US, APAC, India, Germany, Spain and more!
Heads of TA care about people and are inherently connectors. We bring our community together through our platforms, in real life and virtually. We connect you with other Heads of TA accessible for what you need when you need it: never compromising on building value together.
Our community is social, professional; yet informal.
Support one of our epic events or promote your company in our bespoke Head of TA platform to get your brand in front of a group of people that actually make the decisions.
We operate above-the-line with our community members and maintain a neutral stance regarding TA products, tools, services and other events within the TA ecosystem.
Get onboard the ExecTASocial rocket ship!