
Partner together virtually, in real life, at social meet-ups or through our ExecTASocial platform. Be part of two way dialogue with Heads of TA who make the decisions. Our trusted Partners are carefully selected from across the TA ecosystem (global TA Products & Services). We are big fans of supporting scaling business as well as enterprise; with partnership offerings to suit all.

Keen to partner? Message us below to find out more.

Astronauts holding hands

Targeted Audience

Exclusively meet Heads of TA who drive decisions and influence the direction of their organisations. 600+ Heads of TA Globally. We hold a very high bar.


Strategic Partnerships

Be part of an intentionally safe environment for members & partners, giving all the opportunity to share their TA problems & position how you might solve them.


Undiscovered potential

Connect with other TA products & services and forge reciprocal relationships to learn from each other whilst extending each other’s networks.


Global Learnings

Learn what the SVP / VPs / Head of & Directors of TA are working on and currently trying to solve from across the world. How could you support and partner with them?



Build your brand awareness with a community of TA decision makers and educate on how your product or service creates value.



We harbour intimate, social environments both in real life and virtually. Connecting you as the subject matter expert.

Contact ExecTASocial

Message ExecTASocial and we'll get back to you within 72 hours.

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